Starting a blog and attracting SEO traffic is not very hard.

Increase Your Blog’s Revenue Potential

Choosing the right niche is extremely important

Master Your Blog Monetization Strategy

By focusing on the right revenue streams for your blog, you can make more money in months rather than years.

Write ranking content

Learn the secrets to writing more content and automating guest post processes so you can write less, earn more and learn how to be a better writer.

I have learned alot

Brian has his act together. He’s bringing a lot of relevant experience into his space and he’s already found success… It’s obvious that whatever he puts his mind into, it’s going to go well.
Becky Swift
Tuscan, AZ

Treat you site like a business.

Get Started learning a new Skill

I’ve launched 300 websites and can help you discover your unique niche and value proposition, plan your content strategy, choose the best web hosting, email marketing software, and even podcast hosting to start your online business.

  • If you want to learn how to start a blog, it’s important to stop writing and start developing systems that scale your blog like a business, not a hobby.
  • Two years ago, I was at a corporate job building my blog on the side. I took what I learned from being an entrepreneur in the startup world and started treating my blog like a real business from day one.
  • By treating my blog like any other startup, I stopped being the tortured writer and became the CEO of my brand.
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